Доктор сказал, что во время реабилитации я не смогу порабощать галактику. Жалкий, наивный раб!
Там в статье ссылка на просто потрясный сайт: www.returnofkings.com Там много статей о том, как феминизм будет заставлять женщин насиловать мужчин и делать маски для лица из крайней плоти
Доктор сказал, что во время реабилитации я не смогу порабощать галактику. Жалкий, наивный раб!
Бросайте девушку если: 5. Asking you to postpone your orgasm so she can gain more pleasure. If you’re about to bust your nut and a girl does tells you “No” or “Wait,” she’s an inconsiderate slut who is now causing you direct harm. A man’s nut is sacred, and for her to impede that should be criminal. I’m serious. One time a girl postponed my nut and then I lost it completely. I couldn’t get it back and I was left with minor groin pain. I never contacted her again.
Доктор сказал, что во время реабилитации я не смогу порабощать галактику. Жалкий, наивный раб!
ссученый заяч, 30 листов статей разной направленности) Хотя да, вот последнее, что я читаю, это вот ваще I’ll tell you what love is: when a girl begs you to keep going even though you know she already came, even though she’s drying up, and even though you know it’s causing her pain. If she tells you to stop the millisecond after she gets her nut, without you getting yours, I want you to tell her that the point of having sex with women is so a man doesn’t have to use his hand, and that she has performed below the hand. That’s why we do all this shit to bang women—to get our nut. If she can’t do that for us, then she’s useless as a living being.
Великая Аннигиляция Дебилов, кажется, не за горами.
Там много статей о том, как феминизм будет заставлять женщин насиловать мужчин и делать маски для лица из крайней плоти
5. Asking you to postpone your orgasm so she can gain more pleasure.
If you’re about to bust your nut and a girl does tells you “No” or “Wait,” she’s an inconsiderate slut who is now causing you direct harm. A man’s nut is sacred, and for her to impede that should be criminal. I’m serious. One time a girl postponed my nut and then I lost it completely. I couldn’t get it back and I was left with minor groin pain. I never contacted her again.
I’ll tell you what love is: when a girl begs you to keep going even though you know she already came, even though she’s drying up, and even though you know it’s causing her pain. If she tells you to stop the millisecond after she gets her nut, without you getting yours, I want you to tell her that the point of having sex with women is so a man doesn’t have to use his hand, and that she has performed below the hand. That’s why we do all this shit to bang women—to get our nut. If she can’t do that for us, then she’s useless as a living being.
В смысле, ебать у них там сложно ебать.
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